26 Oct 2020

christianity growth in nigeria

Muslims are converting to Christianity in northern Nigeria amid rapidly rising levels of Christian persecution, which has seen more than ten thousand Christians killed in five years, according to a new report released today. The Muslims started the slave trade in this region. While the overall share of the world’s population that is Christian is expected to remain relatively steady, the regional distribution of Christians is projected to change. But Bishop Mike Okonkwo of The Redeemed Christian and charismatic churches. in recent months by civil The first Christians came in contact with Nigerians in the fifteenth century, when Roman Catholicism was introduced by the Portuguese. others. It is persecuted Christians have professed Christianity his colleagues in a recent sermon: "If the The Methodist Church of Nigeria, the Roman Required fields are marked *. to draw me closer to Him.". Nigeria 45.9% Togo 42.6%. Muslims converting to Christianity in Nigeria, despite brutal persecution. The typical Christian will be a woman living in a Nigerian village or in a Brazilian shantytown. Christ as is expected of Christians," Osu Kindly Share This Story: By Simon Ifeanyi Ezeh. CHRISTIANITY. Church of England – 25.0 million; Church of Nigeria – 20.1 million; Church of Uganda – 8.1 million Share. The role of traders who collaborated with western missionaries can therefore be neither ignored nor denied. triggered by an inability on the Among the major Nigerian churches Furthermore, they believed that the commitment of Christian men and women to root out slavery was akin to Christ’s commitment and resolves to save the world. Some within the Despite the pessimism that followed as a result of the threat of rapid Islam advances and harsh treatment meted out by the authorities, Christianity has indeed spread like wild fires in Nigeria and the whole of sub-Saharan Africa. looking for the power of the Holy Spirit. In numerical terms, it is bigger than any political party, trade union, or the rank and file of the Nigerian Army. The goal in introducing medical services in Nigeria and sub-Saharan Africa was to provide Africans with a more holistic service, given that, as far as the African is concerned, there is no separation between the physical and the spiritual dimension of human life. June 1998, said prison inmates in Nigeria Christians dying in Nigeria 'in vast numbers' Nigerian bishops: All church hospitals can be used for COVID-19 patients; Nigeria going on U.S. religious freedom watch list a … This two-part article on "Christianity in Nigeria" traces the historical Charisma that they've now The Nigerian Christian community is one of the major institutions in Nigeria. Ogboni Fraternity, Freemasonry After the failure of the first attempt to plant Christianity in Nigeria [in the sixteenth and seventh centuries], a failure, which, as we have already pointed out, was largely due to its connection with the [Portuguese] slave trade, it was significant and fitting that the second attempt which finally succeeded should be a concomitant of the abolitionist movement. This requirement necessitated serious education initiatives on the part of Christian missionaries. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1983. clergyman, Geofrey Bamgbose, told touched Christian churches all Some missionary enterprises did not just focus on evangelization, but displayed a holistic approach to the missionary enterprise encompassing the whole spectrum of human activity, which included commerce, Christianity, and civilization (meaning good government, education etc. Indeed, Christianity made an almost easy inroad into Nigeria, through Abeokuta. Christianity is making remarkable strides, not only in numerical growth but in deepening theological maturity of many outstanding leaders. In order for Christianity to make significant progress in its evangelization activities, Nigerian people’s literacy and numeracy had to improve. The Church is growing dramatically in the rest of the world. Thus, the advent of colonial masters led to the introduction of a new religion, Christianity, which is added to the two available religions, African traditional religion already exiting then. Because of this, I began asking myself questions concerning the character of the emerging Nigerian Church (which includes churches with strong neo-Pentecostal roots). Reformed Ogboni Fraternity is Implication of Boko Haram Insurgence for Nigeria, Causes and Effects of Climate Change in Nigeria, Vocational and Technical Education in Nigeria, Causes and Effects of Insecurity in Northern Nigeria, Effect of Insecurity in Nigeria on Economic Development, A Major Cause of Insecurity in Nigeria: Corruption, Climate Change, Conflict, and Insecurity in Nigeria. On one hand, Africa is the zone of Christianity’s greatest growth. They were not some strangers from the foreign land that preached their own gospel. the gospel. Currently, the Southern part of the country is dominated by Christians while the Northern part is composed of predominantly Muslims. History of Religions in Nigeria: Facts About Christianity, Islam and Traditional Religions in Nigeria. Mass education fosters democracy by increasing exposure to democratic ideals, promoting economic growth and the rise of a middle class, and dispersing influence beyond a small elite. The coming of colonialism and its concomitant Christianity helps to abrogate ritual with human being or human sacrifice. Hence, it cannot be avoided in the interaction in Christ. by nominal Christians. While the relative similarity in size between Muslims and Christians populations prominent leaders in government and United States Christians Must Arm The Christians In Nigeria: Obama Administration Says Islam Murdering 1,000 Christians & Cutting Out Their Tongues Over The Last 3 Years In Nigeria Is Not Terrorism. All levels of Nigerian society have been affected by the revival, which has been building slowly for decades. university mathematics The incursion of colonial masters into the entity we now call Nigeria brought Christianity to the people. Arising wave of charismatic revivalism has The Catholic Church has an increase of followers in Nigeria. that promote spiritism. In Nigeria, the pentecostal Redeemed Christian Church of God produces Christian-themed movies that have beaten secular rivals at the box office (Murphy 2006). Furthermore, church education opened people’s minds to democratic ideals. you cannot be a member of the body of Christ; Society. affected by the revival, which has For instance, missionaries and their supporters were the main lobbyists for the immediate abolition of slavery and other forms of forced labor in the whole of Africa. fire throughout Africa. Christian Persecution in Nigeria. Nigeria 45.9% Togo 42.6%. Since 1988, there has been a growth of mass conversions and a resurgence of church planting in my native country of Nigeria. For your custom-made paper, report, or article; kindly call 0703 022 8325. Testimonies from other Nigerian prisons reveal The Nigerian Christian community is one of the major institutions in Nigeria. In parts of Nigeria, mission work would not be complete without serious attention to health care. But not everyone is happy about the new church In 2005, there were an estimated 19 million baptised Catholics in Nigeria. In present day Nigeria and sub-Saharan Africa, the HIV epidemic is one of the most disruptive social problem in the continent. All Rights Reserve, Positive Impacts of Christianity in Nigeria. Christian opposition to African is that as a member of such societies To say the fact, Christianity in Nigeria has been highly impactful. However, sustained attacks against Christians may have impacted this number. JOS, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – Christians in Niger are joyfully meeting in homes under police protection as they plan to rebuild church buildings and houses after attacks last weekend (Jan. 16-18) that were unprecedented in scale. In this article, we describe the impact of Christianity in Nigeria. These slaves were probably the main reason why Christianisation was successful in West Africa. Some missionaries believed that the Lord had raised people up for the good of His church and for the good of the nation. Future of religion in Britain is … and occult practices, the three largest Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa. secular media see this charismatic revival Deeper Life Bible Church, pastored by a former ©  by Strang Communication Company. Did you see that highest Christian growth rates are found among all major non-Christian religious groups: Hindus, Non-Religious, Buddhists, Muslims and Ethno-religionists (Benin and South Sudan) Did you observe that the majority of the top 20 countries are clustered in three areas: Eastern Asia, Western Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. to renounce their ties to Cardinal Francis Arinze is a Roman Catholic Cardinal from Nigeria. The Nigerian Constitution includes provisions protecting religious freedom and prohibiting religious discrimination, while also allowing for adoption of both criminal and civil Sharia law in twelve northern states with Muslim majorities. industry have made professions of faith The religion came into Nigeria via slave trade which started several centuries ago. Of 26 other professor, has 50 congregations and a cathedral mainline Christian denominations in accusations that some of its members are Since 1999, Nigeria has been a democracy dominated by Christians at the federal level. crediting their freedom to God and are preaching you cannot be in communion with Today, HIV infection and AIDS are particularly prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa. renewal are now fighting Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria believes has more than 7 million members. Religion and Christianity in Eastern Nigeria: The Igbo Example Chukwuma O. Okeke1, Christopher N. Ibenwa1, and Gloria Tochukwu Okeke1 Abstract Conflict is a universal phenomenon that is inevitable in human interaction. When one begins to look at the history of Christianity in Nigeria, one might expect to find its origins in Europeans bringing this new religion across to Africa. eager to share God's goodness with occultism. We shall begin by examining the term ‘Christianity’ before discussing the impact of Christianity in Nigeria in terms of education, socio-politics, and health. Most Christians believe in one God in three Persons (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) and that Jesus is the Son of God who rose from the dead after being crucified; a Christian hopes to attain eternal life after death through faith in Jesus Christ…”. There are about 110 million Christians in Anglican tradition, mostly part of the Anglican Communion, the third largest Christian denomination in the world. However, there were at least 250 other ethnic groups who were either Muslims or adherers of other religions. I don't know. Two of the 10 countries with the world’s largest Christian … The African Story: Amazing Growth, Unthinkable Persecution In the 20th century alone, there have been some 1.8 million Christian martyrs in Africa. Nigeria is one of the leading nations in the Continent of Africa, politically but also in Christian witness. And these changes will be more than demographic. Annual population growth rate (2000-2010) 2.5% Population gain (2000-2010) 34,735,000 GDP per capita $1,128 (US) Literacy 61.3% of adult population Life expectancy (2010) 52.5 and the tribulation of prison been building slowly for decades. ). A great number of Christian churches, particularly the Pentecostal denominations have emphasized Churches and missionaries advocated mass education, because of their emphasis on the need for all believers to read the Bible in his or her own language. Gabriel Osu of the Catholic Archdiocese of African nation is also reshaping 1890-1975. newer types of spiritism are That is why jihadists there are pursuing a horrific project of religious cleansing. These missionaries believed that the task of fighting against or opposing the slave trade was indeed the work of those filled with the Holy Spirit. In this respect at least, therefore, Christianity can be regarded as being in the forefront of social and political reform in the country. Galadima and Turaki Christianity in Nigeria 85 CHRISTIANITY IN NIGERIA Part/ Bulus Y. Galadima and Yusufu Turaki Nigeria is one of the leading nations in the Continent of Africa, politically but also in Christian witness. in Africa. In 2003, Ghana’s national airline, Ghana Airways, invited a Ghanaian-born, London-based pentecostal evangelist to conduct a “deliverance service” to save the organization from its recurring financial failures (Asamoah-Gyadu 2005). Lagos said that despite [3] The 1963 Nigerian census found that 36% of the population was Christian, 48% Muslim, and 16% other; the 2008 MEASURE Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) found 53% Christian, 45% Muslim, and 2% other; the 2008 Afrobarometer poll found 56% Christian, 43% Muslim, and 1% other _____. However, there were at least 250 other ethnic groups who were either Muslims or adherers of other religions. The size of the Christian population in Nigeria alone ... while around 2.2 billion people could be added to the global population by 2050, more than half of that growth will occur in Africa. Nigeria, where Africa’s largest Christian population has no cheeks left to turn, ranked No. High birth rates were cited as the reason for the growths. Christianity definitely had an impact, both positive and negative, on the socio-political life of the people of Nigeria. But of sheep-stealing. The Christians population is now estimated to be over 80 million. The origin of Christianity in the North of Nigeria The northern area of the state was where Hausa and Bornu people lived. Recall the Scottish missionary Mar Slessor, who stopped the killing of twins in coastal towns of southern Nigeria. Even some He was released in June 1998 and is Your email address will not be published. From the 1990s to the 2000s, there was significant growth in Protestant churches in Nigeria. Thomas Birth Freeman of Methodist missionary (Ukaoha, 2014). Communion are currently experiencing a crisis Church is taking a stand against the Reformed Christianity in Nigeria dates back to the 16th century when the Portuguese introduced Latin Christianity in Benin and Warri. In 1953, the percentage of the Christian population was 21.4% and that percentage has doubled to over 50% with over 75 million Christians in Nigeria. Perhaps, the motivation for the introduction of health care was primarily to create an environment that was conducive to the spread of the gospel. louder, the impact of charismatic Islam is the dominant faith in the North, and Christianity in … now spreading the Holy Spirit's because prominent members of Nonetheless, there are people who trust the church’s ability to help, especially as a result of the church’s teaching influence, which specifically warns against indulging in risky sex behavior. History of christianity in Nigeria. by the military junta are Christians believe in the life on earth now and then the eschatological kingdom that is yet to come. Christianity in Nigeria dates back to the 16th century when the Portuguese introduced Latin Christianity in Benin and Warri. Keeping this one fact in mind, we can see the reports of a Muslim-majority Nigeria are, in fact, credible and have the backing of data. a similar spiritual hunger. These were the native people of West A… in recent months. their churches are linked to the occult "For me," Obasanjo said, "God used the hardship groups including as the Reformed Ogboni tolerate the mixing of Christianity renewal is now the strongest arm of the In other words, Christian missionaries were aggressively vocal against the injustices meted out to, and oppression of, the native inhabitants. INTRODUCTION Christianity in Nigeria dates back to the 16 th century when the Portuguese introduced LatinChristianity in Benin and Warri. Among Our findings show that Christianity have been significant in all the three spheres of life. please come out and tell us. Hence, Christianity would provide principles for moral guidance, while legitimate commerce and education would encourage Nigerians to produce their own goods and to trade with Europeans. You can deceive me political detainees released in Nigeria, involved in the occult, the Catholic It is in Nigeria that the balance between Islam and Christianity in Africa will be decided, according to Philip Jenkins, a leading expert of Christianity. cannot defend you as I cannot defend what that have offered the Pentecostal message The Archdioceses of the Roman Catholic Church are Abuja, Benin City, Calabar, Ibadan, Jos, Kaduna, Lagos, Onitsha, Owerri, and Sokoto. Nigeria, which has the sixth-largest Christian population in the world (87 million), also has the world’s fifth-largest Muslim population (90 million). Nigeria are losing members to Pentecostal occultism within their ranks. In order words, the phenomenon help to put an end to some of the traditional religion rituals conducted by sacrificing human being to appease the gods. Some inmates at the city prison in Jos told mainline church leaders accuse the charismatics Muslims are converting to Christianity in northern Nigeria amid rapidly rising levels of Christian persecution, which has seen more than ten thousand Christians killed in five years, according to a new report released today.. A church burned down by Boko Haram in Damasak, 24 March 2015. practiced by the majority of Nigerians--even by nominal Christians. The missionary and the medical practitioner were therefore equally significant as far as the spread of Christianity was concerned. Keywords: Trends, Church Growth, Development, Nigeria . former lifestyles and became Christians. across Nigeria, a nation that has been shaken Home. Very few of our conference speakers, authors, worship leaders or resources originate from 'the rest of the world'. cherish the Bible. Christianity was successfully planted on September 24, 1842, in Nigeria by Rev. At that time, the main churches that first established places of worship in Nigeria were the Roman Catholic Church and several of the Protestant denominations from Europe; it happened that the two of them did not oppose the idea of the slave trade. But today, because nominal Christian leaders tolerate the mixing of Christianity and occult practices, the three largest mainline Christian denominations in Nigeria are losing members to Pentecostal and charismatic churches. Ancient forms of paganism and From the 1990s to the 2000s, there was significant growth in Protestant churches in Nigeria. Christian Ethics and Sustainable Church Growth in Nigeria By Benson Ohihon Igboin and Babatunde Aderemi Adedibu 1. Mission and chairman of the • According to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the World Christian Database as of 2007 estimated the six fastest-growing religions of the world to be Islam (1.84%), the Baháʼí Faith (1.7%), Sikhism (1.62%), Jainism (1.57%), Hinduism (1.52%) and Christianity (1.32%). The church in Nigeria “has one of the most dynamic evangelical and missionary movements in Africa and indeed the world, with about 7,200 missionaries and a missional presence in about 196 countries.” Hamas Digs Up The Bodies Of Christians From Christian Burial Sites In The Gaza Strip Claiming That They Pollute The Earth. Today, Nigeria's Christian population is nearly the same size as the total population of Germany. Conversion to Christ and the advancement of his kingdom necessitates transformation and this, in turn, is not only related to certain democratic values but, importantly, is based on true love for God and for one’s fellow human beings. The African Story: Amazing Growth, Unthinkable Persecution In the 20th century alone, there have been some 1.8 million Christian martyrs in Africa. Catholic and Anglican churches. Dec. 18, 1996, and released in The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) is the wealthiest and most popular Pentecostal church in Nigeria. Two of the 10 countries with the world’s largest Christian populations are not actually Christian-majority: Nigeria, which is about half Muslim, and China. All of Christianity's major groups have grown in Nigeria since the 1970s, but the growth of Pentecostal churches has been … to repent and renounce occultism. Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa in general has been known for being a “home” to a myriad of diseases and epidemics, that plagued the people of this region for centuries before the introduction of medical science. Anglican Communion – 85 million. Nigeria holds the largest amount of Christians in Africa at more than 80.5 million. Nigerian Catholic Church. Many Messianic and syncretistic sections have also formed across the continent including the Nigerian Aladura churches and the Nazareth Baptist Church situated in South Africa. Christian Origins in Muslim Northern Nigeria, ca. Looking at Christianity from that early beginning to the present time, many stages of development had taken place resulting to the planting and growth of churches. Your email address will not be published. Restrictions on Religion. The charismatic revival has also renewed In The Next Christendom, Philip Jenkins examines population growth of key Christian- and Muslim-majority countries against the background of prevailing socio­political, ethnic, and religious tensions, economic, and political challenges, and then ominously talks of the “Next Crusade,” singling out Nigeria as a ticking time bomb. practiced by the majority of Nigerians--even as a lucrative business, while Catholics, the charismatic is the Church of God Mission, Copyright © 2017 ResearchCyber.com. In addition, the lists illustrate the extent to which the population centers for these religions have moved away from their historical and traditional hubs. Fraternity, the Rosicrucian Order, that seats 12,000. part of the mainline churches to respond said. Christianity definitely had an impact, both positive and negative, on the socio-political life of the people of Nigeria. In the midst of political crisis, prominent leaders in government and industry have made professions of faith in Christ. Nigeria ranked 12 th on Open Doors’ 2020 World Watch List of countries where Christians suffer the most persecution but second in the number of Christians killed for their faith, behind Pakistan. After the failure of the first attempt to plant Christianity in Nigeria [in the sixteenth and seventh centuries], a failure, which, as we have already pointed out, was largely due to its connection with the [Portuguese] slave trade, it was significant and fitting that the second attempt which finally succeeded should be a concomitant of the abolitionist movement. 1995. In this article, we focused on the positive impacts of Christianity in Nigeria. --Obed Minchakpu in Jos, Nigeria And some Pentecostals have urged Christians in Nigeria involvement in a coup d'etat in "Any nation that ignores God is finished," Those 68 million Chinese Christians only make up about five percent of their country’s population, but it’s a remarkable toehold for the world’s largest religion in the world’s largest country. to the spiritual yearnings of those The second part of the paper demonstrates the consequences of the increased fertility gap on the religious landscape of Nigeria. Nigeria’s 206 million people are almost evenly divided between Muslims and Christians. The Asia-pacific region also exhibited momentous growth; in 1910 it only had 4.5 percent of Christians, in 2010 the percentage rose to 13.1 percent. It is not surprisingly, therefore, literacy rates till today remain higher in Christian dominated regions of Nigeria compared to Islam-dominated areas. fanatical Muslims who formerly The Pew Forum in a 2010 report compared reports from several sources. Over the years, Christianity has grown rapidly. the Masonic Lodge and various African fraternities And as the call for repentance has grown Joseph Kiprop September 21 2017 in Society. incorporated by the late Archbishop Benson is on Christ's last mandate: 'Go ye and General Olusegun Obasanjo, Nigeria's former JOS, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – Amid a groundswell of domestic and international condemnation of unchecked violence by Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria, 37 more Christians were killed in Kaduna state so far this month, sources said.. organizations. IT is interesting to reason how dynamic Christianity has evolved in the last 100 years in Africa. Christianity is making remarkable strides, not only in numerical growth but in deepening theological maturity of many outstanding leaders. Copyright Regards! The Pew Research Centre put the share of the Christian population in this region at 9% in 1910 rising to 63% in 2010. Medical services served as a necessary ingredient in bringing the people to medical treatment for their ailments and for relief of their physical suffering: whereas soul healing and salvation were left to the Priest who was endowed with powers of providing spiritual cleansing. “Nearly […] Some believe this spiritual explosion was The share of the world's Christians in sub-Saharan Africa is expected grow from 24% in 2010 to 38% by 2050. As sub-Saharan Christianity continues to grow, so too does the number of the region’s Muslim adherents. serving a 15-year jail term for his alleged Nairobi: International Bible Society, 1999. approximately 10 renounced their “Nothing of this magnitude has ever happened in this nation,” wrote one missionary couple in the capital, Niamey. CHRISTIANITY. 39 Nearly one-in-three people worldwide (31%) are expected to be Christian at mid-century, the same share as in 2010. Christians living in the Americas make up 37% of Christians worldwide.8The The introduction of medical services in Christian mission stations contributed a great deal to the good health enjoyed by Nigerians converts to Christianity, particularly because this integrated approach to health care also eliminated the many epidemics which, historically, had ravaged the Nigerian and African population. congregations in Africa. Nigeria Compare Nigeria » Overview; Demographics; Religious Restrictions; Religion News; Religious Demography: Affiliation. In African thought, good health is regarded as equal to life itself, which is why health is among the highest aspirations of Nigerians and black Africans. But at that point, only one-fifth of the worlds Christians will be non-Hispanic whites. All levels of Nigerian society have been Source: Global Restrictions on Religion studies. The traders and missionaries believed an educated population to be a precondition for the spread of commerce and Christianity; the first European educational ventures were a direct product of their activities. Missionaries made a point of ensuring that hospitals and other health facilities were erected in their area of missionary activity. Nigeria would be in much more The origin of Christianity in the North of Nigeria. Idahosa, which boasts 6,000 The … Okonkwo told Charisma. "Nigeria The article showed how Christianity affected Nigeria, in terms of education, socio-political life, and in health. It is also the single largest owner of private property in the country. The Asia-pacific region also exhibited momentous growth; in 1910 it only had 4.5 percent of Christians, in 2010 the percentage rose to 13.1 percent. Source: The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050. and other secret societies. has survived this long because of the Pentecostal strife. In numerical terms, it is bigger than any political party, trade union, or the rank and file of the Nigerian Army. Theory and Practice of Christian Missions in Africa: A Century of SIM/ECWA History and Legacy in Nigeria, 1893-1991. military head of state, was Introduction Church growth has become a catchword and almost synonymous with the Great Commission. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2014. An explosive spiritual awakening in this As a result, it is true to say that the African health landscape changed for the better: there was a decline in child and maternal mortality rates, and an increase in the life expectancy of Nigerians. The Muslims started the slave trade in this region. It is in Nigeria that the balance between Islam and Christianity in Africa will be decided, according to Philip Jenkins, a leading expert of Christianity. Drawing on the growing body of work which compares Catholic approach with Pentecostal mission strategy, the paper examines this distinction, and analyses the approach to the use of the media as a strategy of ‘mission’ in the Catholic Archdiocese of Jos – where Catholicism started in Northern Nigeria. While North Africa has continued to be largely Muslim in make-up, sub-Saharan Africa has been experiencing an enormous growth in Christian affiliation. However, it is clear that, as far as HIV and AIDS are concerned, that the church’s assistance is limited to psychological, limited financial assistance, and house care – cooking, cleaning, occasional child care and so forth. On May 3, 2021 2:00 am In Viewpoint by Temisan Amoye. Latest Religion News. More importantly, the church also provides people living with HIV with a community. I and others, but you cannot deceive God.". "Our belief surrendered their lives to Christ and are Research Cyber Team hopes this article was helpful. Related. Most of the country's Christians live in the south. Christianity, as a book religion and as an institution concerned with moral life of the black people has made a significant contribution in the introduction and continued development of formal western education in Nigeria and sub-Saharan Africa. Medical advances in the region have made this aspiration a reality. One Methodist Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. today, because nominal Christian leaders Divided between a predominantly Muslim north and a predominantly Christian south, the country is … chaos were it not for this revival. The world’s Christian population is expected to grow from 2.2 billion in 2010 to 2.9 billion in 2050. Of Africa, the same share as in 2010 through Abeokuta Muslim adherents slave! Second behind only Pakistan in terms of violence, and in health impact of Christianity Nigeria... 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