01 Dec 2021

could past ability examplescould past ability examples


7. * We use could and was/were able for the past of can.

We use to talk about possibility in the past but it didn’t happen. We use to talk about possibility in the past.

(There are other possible reasons why the students did well on the test.

Use 'can' or 'be able to' to express an ability or possibility. It is used to talk about ability that existed in the past.

It also might sound a little formal in spoken English. Examples: When I was young, I was able to speak two languages.

(See also modals of ability.)

You put the words in the right order to make a sentence. may: permission: May I use your phone, please?

They could not take the exam last week. Taking a lead role in a school project is a great example of leadership experience. It is used for ability, possibility, and requests.

Note that could doesn’t always refer to past time.

May have: Past unreal possibility: We may have passed the math exam, but it was in Spanish. I could / was able to run very fast. Examples: He said he could get that ticket for me. We usually use could or couldn't to talk about general abilities in the past.

“Could” is the past tense of “can.”. Must in the last sentence is an example of a modal verb.

We use modal verbs–verbs like can, could, and should–to talk about things such as ability, possibility, permission, or obligation.

She is able to speak five languages. I can speak French .

All your example sentences are correct. Will in your examples is not past tense, so your answer doesn't really apply here.

https://akademia.com.ng/modal-auxiliary-verbs-definition-types-uses- They can be measured and tested using assignments and assessments. There is usually a reference to the past in the sentence or context, which helps learners recognize when could is referring to ability. He can / is able to swim. Past ability.

Modal Verb Games.

Modal Concept Examples Shall (1) Educated expression Offer Excuse me, I shall go now Shall I clean it? In the past tense, English speakers almost always use “could.” Listen to a few examples.

permission: Can I use your phone, please? Modals of Ability.

The modal verbs of ability are can, could, and be able to. Past: could / couldn't (for general ability) I could read when I was four.

Past. 0.

And we use the passive voice to focus on the object of an action rather than the doer of the action. Would.

(Ability/ Capacity) Uses of Modal ‘Could’ The rule for the use of Modal ‘Could’ is that it is used to express ability or capacity in the past, polite request or a possibility under certain circumstances.

Modal verbs of ability are used to express two different types of ability: Open possibility, generally expressed by forms of the modal verb Can ( & could ), Authority or potential ability, usuallly expressed by forms of the modal verb May ( & might ), . Speaking about the past events that cant be changed, we can use some modal verbs with the past participle of the main verb: modal + have + past participle.

To talk about an ability in the present, we use “can” or “be able to”. 1. You could have told us about this. Could you help me move this sofa?

For example: “When I was younger, I could run for 10 miles without breaking a sweat!”.

He could swim when he was five.

The Verb "Could".

They can come on Friday. The Modal verbs are: Can / Could / May / Might / Will / Would / Must / Shall / Should / Ought to / .

Let’s start with general abilities. Periphrastic modals express the idea that the statement is a fact. Should: “Should” is used to express an opinion on the best course of action.When describing cause and effect, it is also used to suggest that one cause is very likely to happen in the future, or was very likely to happen … 9. For example: could have heard, must have missed, might have ignored etc. Grammar Worksheet Can and Could. LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – A Lake County News investigation has revealed that the issue at the heart of a dispute between the sheriff and district attorney, resulting in the sheriff’s request for outside legal counsel, is based on allegations that the sheriff lied during a 2008 investigation into a shooting in which he was involved while a deputy. Examples are permission, obligation, lack of necessity, possibility, ability, prohibition, advice and probability. We use ‘could’, ‘was/were able to’ and ‘manage to’ (the past form) to talk about ability in the past: ‘she could finish the exam faster than anyone else’; ‘he wasn’t able to answer the police officer’s queries’; ‘he managed to finish the work on time’, etc.

1. Examples: When I was young, I was able to speak two languages.

To talk about past abilities, we can use: could Used to talk about general skills or abilities in the past. Can is used to express that something is possible. Could is an important modal verb in English.

Use the infinitive without to after could and couldn't.. Alan can swim well.

Could is the past tense of can. To talk about a general ability in the past, we use “could” or “was / were able to”. Each set has 10 games, and each game gets harder from 1 to 10. When talking/writing about past ability you can use ‘could’ or ‘was/were able to’ in order to discuss an ability that existed for a long time, but now no longer exists. Past: I could play guitar when I was younger. I know he missed the bus.

The difference between them is the same as in previous examples: ‘ may ‘ is a more formal and polite way of saying that, while ‘ can ‘ is used in less formal situations.

Updated on. I could / was able to jump so high. It can be an ability that was used over and over again, or something that was done just once, on a special, or rare, occasion.

Grammar explanation General ability.

Conditional of Can I could visit many places if I had more money.

Organizing a team presentation can also be considered leadership.

Correct and discuss any mistakes. All the verbs go with the same modal verb plus the infinitive without “to”. 0. They can come on Friday.

Examples of Modal ‘Could’ are given below: 1) He could run very fast in his youth. Could. For example: — Affirmative: “Moving could be stressful.“ / “Moving can be stressful.“ = Could is used to express that moving is sometimes stressful and can that it is stressful most of the time.

Examples: You could help me in that crisis.

He couldn't dance at all until he took lessons. : He may have missed the bus.

Use 'can' or 'be able to' to express an ability or possibility.

Examples: When I first started my career, I could work long hours without a break.


Could for Ability.

These are skills or talents a person once had. Use the following formula when talking about ability with these modals: subject + modal + base form of the verb.

Example: Past Mozart could play the piano at the age of five.

General abilities.

Is sometimes used instead of can or could. Apparently time had caught up with Mom before she could finish.

Last year I could run very fast .

2. Each student looks at information in a chart on their worksheet about what four people could do and how well when they were twenty.

I could swim before I could walk.

When I lived next to the pool, I could go swimming every day.


Examples: I could have bought a new house but I didn’t buy. We use may have, could have, might have to say that it was possible that something happened in the past (but we are not 100% sure). Right now the circumstances are favourable, but it could be out of our control. “Back in the 1970s, our TV could only get about four channels.”.

She could speak French when she was a child, but now she has forgotten it. and mental processes ( think, believe, remember, understand etc.

In my younger days I could run four miles at a stretch.


We recommend teaching this lesson after our Modals of …

Suggestion I could help you with Spanish.

Examples: I can speak two languages. We could have learned to play any musical enstruments last year. could: ability in the past : When I was younger I could run fast.

Could is almost always used with a main verb.

Modal verbs to express ability: present: past: can We use can when we speak about general ability in the present.

Jack will be able to come next week. Jackie cannot play piano. A few weeks wouldn't mean the difference in paying for college, and she could use the time to relax.


He had been accused of vanity and ostentation in his office, but his reputation for ability and integrity as a judge was high even with his enemies.

Examples: Could you return my book, please?

I can / am able to speak 2 languages.

Modal Verbs Can and Could (to talk about abilities) We can use can (for present) and (could) for past to talk about abilities.

We use ‘could’ and ‘couldn’t’ to talk about our abilities in the past. She could play chess when she was seven. He could read when he was five. I couldn’t run when I was a baby.

Examples: Negative. They could be dangerous.

She is so upset that she could travel for a week. I … …

Examples: Usage: He can play tennis well. 4.

He/she is not 100% certain. [Request] Could you help me?

Emotional Intelligence. (future possibility) 2. NOTE: The future of 'be able to' is 'will be able to.

As the past form of can, could is used for general ability in the past and in reported speech. "Could" cannot be used in positive sentences in which you describe a momentary or one-time ability.

In an interview, it’s important to know which personal skills you want to highlight most.

All the verbs go with the same modal verb plus the infinitive without “to”.

It doesn't really matter. Should. Apparently time had caught up with Mom before she could finish.

She couldn't ride a bike when she was three.

The construction of could in the present tense is: Past = could have + past participle (done) Examples of the modal verb could in the past tense include: Peter could have arrived late.

Modals – Part 1 : Ability, Permission, Requests and Advice. Define could.

Example: Maria can play the piano very well.

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could past ability examples